And the Award for Friendliest Town in NC Goes to...
On Friday morning I was on my way to Southern Pines NC. For those of you who don't know where that is it is way way far away. Anyways I was plugging along and all of a sudden I hear a loud rucus outside..I rolled down my window and the noise became louder. I pulled over and sure enough I had a big fat flat tire.
No sooner had a pulled over and popped my trunk to begin working on changing the flat a nice man pulled over. He jumped right out of his truck, and began changing my tire. As if that were not helpful enough he then took me up the street to a tire place to get a new tire, and he even waited with me to make sure I got treated right. Not only was he such a nice guy, but the people at the tire place were also really really friendly. They searched a pile of tires and found me a used one to get me home safe. $25.00 and a couple of hours later I was on my way to make sales calls. Thanks man who helped me with my tire (James), and also thank you to the good men at Mitchells tires in Sanford for "hooking it up" with service!