Monday, September 25, 2006


So this morning I have had a song stuck in my head. Up until just a few minutes ago, I could not place the melody....

Da da dum da da da daaaaaa, da da da da da da da daaaaaa....

and it just came to me...for some reason I have been humming the Indiana Jones theme song this morning.

Happy Monday.

Friday, September 22, 2006

see you later, nice knowin ya, buh-bye!

Today is the official last day of summer!
In a farewell tribute I am going out for margaritas this evening.
So later summer...its been fun.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

hair today gone tommorow

So I am having a bit of hair trauma this week...
Well its been going on for a while.
A lot of you know that this summer on a whim I went pretty blonde. And at first I was loving it. I felt so summery. But now its getting cooler out, and i could not be sicker of my hair color. Whats worse is that I have horrible roots showing now, and I feel like I look a bit like trash.
I also feel like all this blonde has damaged my hair a bit, and I just feel like its a frizzy mess.
I also think that I need a bit of a more grown up style. So Im getting it chopped, dyed back to the original color, and revamped...hopefully tommorow.**
Also if anyone out there ever hears me say that i want to go blonde, as my friends can you please talk me out of this. It is way too much to manage, and keep up with.

**not chopped off completely, but a little shorter.

Monday, September 18, 2006

While weddings are a blast...raw oysters at 2am are never a good idea.

So this past weekend I attended a beautiful wedding, of two very deserving friends. The place was gorgeous, they had such cute touches all over the place, and the bride and groom couldn't have looked happier.

We all had a wonderful can you not? When a WoCo marries an MC you could expect nothing less.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

i heart cable.

Ok So Wednesday is a good day, because...well...the week is half way over, but not only that when Wednesday comes that means Project Runway is on, and that makes this girl very happy.

Another thing that makes me really happy is that next week the new season of Greys Anatomy comes on. If you didn't see the finale of last season, then I feel sorry for you, because that was one of the best finales I have ever seen. Literally the next day I couldn't get it out of my head. For those of you who missed it, it will be on again tommorow night. Please watch it, and call me, and we will cry together over Denny on the phone. I feel so sorry for Izzie..all dressed up, and then her fiance dies of a blood clot. It just couldn't have been sadder, but then Alex swooping her off of that hospital bed and holding her, and will Dr. Burke ever operate again??? it weird that i think these people are real?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

so many posts so little time.

So last weekend me and SP set off on a trip to NYC. There are so many funny/unfortunate things that happened to us (ie. The trip to Coney Island...that we didn't want to take, The eight hour plane flight home because of more rain), that there just is not enough time to post it all. But you can enjoy the pictures....and ask me about the craziness that ensued on the trip...the stories are much better told than read.

so many posts so little time.