Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Real World Key West: First Impressions

So I have been watching the Real World since the beggining. Well maybe not the absolute beginning...I mean I was only 8, but I did used to sneak and watch re-runs of the former casts, and I probably have seen almost every single episode. And I know...its a guilty pleasure, but I would rather thing of it as me liking reality tv before liking reality tv was hip.

So last nite of course I tuned into the new season...season 17...the Real World Key West. I was praying that it wouldn't be another Miami, that season bored me to tears, and I was hoping for a New Orleans, or Seattle...two of my favs in the past. And I think after the first show that we might be pleasantly suprised by this cast. Of course they are all beautiful, but we might have some good issues that will pop up this season. And here are some first impressions of the Real World Key West...

The House- OMG...this house is my favorite so far. It is absoulutly sick, and I think the nicest one to date.

The roomies: I am going to give my first impressions of each roomate, and then in the end we will see how my first impressions panned out.

Svetlana- Russian, but really American girl who claims Russia. Very pretty....very young. I have a feeling she will hook up, and fall for either Zack, or John. She has a boyfriend of 3 years at home...I give that relationship 2 weeks to last while she is in Key West.

John- Hand this boy a beer, because he will be drunk or hungover his entire stay in the Real World Key West. He will also probably hook up with Svetlana, and many many other girls in key West.

Zach- I think he is a cutie. He has the potential to be a dumb boy...espcially because him and John have already become roomates, and I see butt buddies in their future. Something about him makes me believe there is more to him than just drinking and girls...only time will tell.

Jose- Well we won't see much of him this season...he seems way to nice, and normal.

Janelle- I think she will be the one to keep it the most real. They have begun depicting her as a caddy bitch, but I think she seems to be the smart one of the bunch so far. She will probably be the one who rides in the cab to pick up drunk roomates the next day from jail, and pay the bond.

Tyler- I see him and Janelle getting close because I don't think she will hook up with anyone in the house. I bet Tyler gets more ass than anyone in the house. And I also bet that he meets someone and holds down a quasi long relationship while in the house.

Paula- Why did she come on this show...this girl has too many problems to be on tv. I think she will drive the roomates insane, and everyone will pretty much give up on her. Then she will attempt suicide, or try leaving the house, but she never will. She will just talk about it, and that will annoy me and most of America.

So those are my predictions...we will see what can find me every Tuesday at the the 10 don't call me then. I won't answer, and I won't answer afterwards either because i will be in bed.