Wednesday, January 10, 2007

so far so good.

So far I am really enjoying my new job. Today marks one full week of work for me. It is a lot different from working out of my home...there are plus', and minus' as with anything. Like when you work at home you don't really have to get up, and get can take your time. Since nobody sees you it is ok to check your email in your pajamas. I couldn't get away with that here.

Its nice being around people in the office. My new office has some really friendly people. And its nice to have someone to talk to about things like the weather around the water cooler...and yes...we really do have a water cooler. The women in the office work at all different areas, and instead of walking to talk to one another they just kind of yell. It is funny to me, because where as when I worked from home I kept the tv going to have some background noise, now I just kind of listen to them. They mostly gossip about people I have never heard of, but sometimes its better than a morning talk show. And my favorite part about my new office is something that might seem a little strange, but at any rate i love it. At work my two bosses both have dogs. So everyday at work there are 4 boston terriers running around, and they are cutie pies who think they run the place. I will be sitting in my office, and they come check in on me, kind of glance over my desk then they are on there way. They all 4 look the same so I have yet to really know which is which. They make me laugh...and I wonder if they think they work here too...I mean they are here everyday.

I know I will have more stories to share of my new job, and life in Selma NC (where my office is) And again once I get my camera up and running I might even have pictures to share!


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