If you don't wear glasses, or contacts, and you have perfect vision be happy, and oh yeah...screw you. Because glasses, and contacts, and blurred vision are financially, and cosmetically two things that have ruined my Friday.
So I go to the eye doc this morning...just for a check-up. I haven't been since I moved to Greenville, and my eyes have been irritating me for a while so I bit the bullet and scheduled an appt. My appt. was for 8 am and I figured that would be perfect...I could be off to work by 9. No biggie. What I assumed would take a quick hour ended up taking over 4 hours. I ended up finding out that my eyes have been rejecting my contact lenses (thus the irritation) and I have an infection in both eyes....lovely. Now anyone who knows me probably knows that I hate wearing glasses...some people may not even know that I wear glasses because I hardly wear them except right before bed. So the doctor (and his name was Dr. Watson) tells me that I won't be able to wear contacts for quite some time. Great. So that means I have to purchase new glasses while I am there, because my old glasses are not strong enough...wonderful.
If you don't wear glasses you may not know that in the past few years glasses have become very stylish....however style always and forever will come at a cost, because style isn't cheap. So I began making my way through the racks and racks of glasses....every designer present from Gucci, to Valentino. Feeling a littel overwhelmed I settled on an old faithful pair of Ralph Lauren Specs...while they were not my fav I was tired of looking, and I feel like Ralph is just a classic, so how could a girl go wrong. I was also kind of rushing to finish because the girl who was assisting me was trying to talk me into clip on sunglasses, and it was really really pissing me off. I don't think I have ever worn a clip on anything...I just don't go out like that.
Then for those of you who might not wear glasses, or need to frequent the eye doctor you might not realize that after you spend a few hundred dollars on new glasses, and the procedure they then make you endure the worst part of the visit. The walk of shame with the plastic sunglasses on. Its so embarrasing. Not only are your eyes dialated to the point where its hard to see strait. The nurses give you these flimsy plastic, and paper sunglasses which fit behind your real glasses so the sunlight won't bother your dialated eyes. In short you just end up looking like an asshole. Or as BK thought Cyclops from Xmen.
I remember when I was little my brother had glasses, and I used to want them so bad. That is one instance where I wished so hard that my wish actually came true. I was also one of those weirdos that thought braces were so cool...but you live and learn.
So for those of you who have 20/20 vision consider yourself lucky. And for those people with four eyes out there...I feel your pain.