now why you gonna go and do that?
I love Target. It is one of my favorite places...although it also gets me in the most trouble. I know others have this problem, but for some reason you try and go to Target with hopes of getting one thing, and then all of a sudden like you are at the register, and the cashier is telling you that you owe 100.00. And you are like...what the heck did I get?
Well anyways today I went to Target. I went to buy t-shirt transfer paper, and a new ink cartridge for my printer. Well they didn't have the transfer paper which sucks. But I got the ink cartridge, and shampoo, and conditioner, and a sweater...but that is beside the point.
As sort of a treat to end my shopping experience when i go to Target I usually stop in the food court place and either get a pop corn, or an icee, or both. Today I was going for the icee. Oh and just a sidebar, you can get both a popcorn, and an icee for 1.28!
Well I got the icee cup, and headed over to the machine. and much to my dismay the regular icee flavor (cherry) was nowhere to be found. Instead there was only black thunder (?) and some mountain dew orange flavor. Well I guess I don't even need to mention that I didn't know Mountain Dew came in orange. But why did they have to take away cherry? Or atleast if they are going to take away cherry leave the old Coca Cola ICEE stand-by. But neither were there. ANd I was forced to drink the orange kind...because let me tell you...I was not going any where near that Black Thunder B/S.
It just makes me sad you know. Why did they have to go and take away a perfectly good thing? Haven't they heard of the old saying "if it aint broke..don't fix it?" The cherry ICEE is classic...Classic and delicious. And Target was one of the only places that still served the frothy delight. Are we truly in a world that classic ICEE's in classic flavors are a thing of the past? And do we have to settle for imitations?
I still love Target...and I hope that this new ICEE thing was just a one time thing. Because I will be checking back...oh believe you me. This one is not going by the way side.