what were we thinking?

My life in small town America. You think you know...but you have no idea.
everyone is aware of the new earring craze that has been sweeping the nation for the past few years. the bigger the earring the better....its almost like we are back in the 80's when big funky jewelery was in, but now its taken on this boho style that sets it apart from the rest. but heres the thing ladies....and please read carefully. a big earring goes a long way. maybe i should give some background info....yesterday i went shopping to catch those fabulous day after christmas sales, and by the way they were fabulous. but as a walked around the mall i noticed that everyone was wearing what looked to be newly gifted christmas items. every outfit looked so crisp and bright, as if it had just been taken out of a gap gift box. but back to the earrings...everyone in there new outfit also had on a pair of these big earrings. mostly the looks weren't bad, but some people just over did it. women, if you plan on wearing a chandelier earring go for it, but remember these earrings make a statement on there own.....PLEASE do not clutter that statement with other accesories...a little bling goes a long way. co co chanel said that "before anyone goes out of there house they should look in the mirror and take off one thing" sometimes this is something we should all remember...especially in a day and age were accessories can make or break the outfit. i personally think nothing looks classier than a pair of diamond studs (thank you B :), and one great bangle on the wrist. Think about it.
today after work i am making the drive back to charlotte to celebrate christmas with the fam. its very hard to get into the christmas spirit when you aren't at home.
living in greenville isn't all bad...like for one most people might not know this but greenville does NOT have a subway system...therefore we do not have subway strikes like the one going on in New York right now**. i am thankful that i can hop into my civic and buzz around town at my leisure. i just know there were a lot of pissed off new yorkers this morning.
in my 24 years on this earth people far and wide have been getting my name wrong. there has never been a teacher that on the first day of school called me by the correct name. even though there is no T in my name people constantly call me katrina, and i never ever understood that. what is more frustrating is that my name is spelled EXACTLY how you pronounce it. I mean if anyone had a basic class in phonetics, or im sorry, just knew the english alphabet they would know how to pronounce my name. when i was little i thought crystal was such a beautiful name, and i literally would pray at nite, that when i woke up my name would be changed to crystal. i don't know what i was thinking, because now that i am older and wiser that name sucks, and has sort of a white trash conotation. so today i am talking with a client on the phone, and as she is hanging up she says "well have a great day......Leslie" now I have been called by the wrong name my whole life, but today December 15th 2005 was the first time I had ever been called Leslie.
anyone can comment now...i changed the settings so you don't have to be a member to say whats on your mind.
saturday nights usually consist of spending hours looking through my closet to find something to wear, only to end up with the entire contents of my closet strewn across my bedroom floor. this saturday however that was not the case.
every thursday we go to a little italian eatery known as big apple pizzeria. we go there because its super cheap, and ever since college we have been getting the hook up. we will just say that someone who goes with us is "tight" with the manager there. so thursday night they have dollar slices of cheese pizza...NY style the thin as paper kind that you have to fold to eat, and there pitchers of beer are 1/2 off. literally you can eat and get a nice buzz for 4 dollars, and that includes a tip. one time we went for a friends birthday and got 17 pitchers, 14 slices of pizza and i kid you not the bill was 12.00. that is the kind of thing you can only find in a small town...a place where everybody knows your name, and if you have a "sleepover" with the manager you will get the hook up on pizza for life.
So after trying a blog for all my friends to post funny comments a year or so ago I decided to just do my own thing. Really nobody ever posted anything on that blog, and thus it fizzled quickly. So here is my blog...i don't know what i will put on it, but keep checking up on it. Ill try to put some humorous quips on it it weekly.