i regret to inform
I need to set the record strait, because I have been bombarded by emails, and questions as to whether or not I won the christmas porch decorating contest....ok well really only one person asked me about it, but at any rate I should come clean with how this whole thing played out.
I didn't enter. After all that talk of beating the pants off of others, and winning the $500. I didn't even enter. And there were a few reasons. First of all I had planned on last Saturday spending most of the day decorating the porch, and shopping for the necessary decorations. Well last Saturday actually ended up turning into a christmas shopping saturday, and by the time I got home after being amongst the hoards of people in the mall, and target I had no energy to really let my creative juices flow out onto the porch. So I put it off, and put it off, until I started seeing other porches being decorated, and then I saw how detailed these people were getting, and I just hung it up. My passion was gone, and no matter how hard i tried I couldn't get it back.
Yes it would have been nice to win the top prize, but it just didn't happen. Not this time. Thanks for everyone for rooting me on...or nevermind, because no one really rooted at all. But if after reading my blog about the porch contest you ever thought "i hope she wins" then thanks...and if you could care less, well then your just like my roomate who never really got into either contests, even with the cash prize dangling in front of her nose.
But there will be more porch contests...or there might not be...either way.