Christmas Kick off.

This is one of my favorite times of the year...the air is getting chillier, everyone is putting up their Christmas decor, and Christmas carols are on the radio! I do love Christmas time. Yesterday we went and got our tree. It was odd because its the first time I have ever actually gone to get a live tree in all my 26 years. My brother was allergic, and we always had a fake one...which was always really pretty, but still...there is something about a real tree with that piney scent, that just makes the house feel like its Christmas time.
Last weekend was the first weekend in I can't remember how long that I had nothing to do...and it was wonderful. I got the house cleaned, and fully converted to Christmas, and I caught up on all my DVR'd shows from the past few weeks.
This weekend my ladies are coming over for a little Christmas party. Im trying to think of the perfect Christmas cocktail to serve, along with what cheeseball to make...decisions decisions. Im looking forward to some girl time, and seeing friends from out of town.
This weekend I also had a little time for a photo shoot with Hazel...enjoy her Christmas look!