i am so over you winter.
So today was one of those days where you get a hint of whats to come in the spring. the air was light, it was a breezy 65 degrees, my car windows were down, and i thought...im so over the cold weather. im so ready for flip flops, and boat drinks...for my face to be kissed with the rays from the sun. im tired of my skin being flakey and dry.
its like this at the end of every season...you just get over it. you get over the clothing, over the hassle of defrosting your car in the morning, or freezing your butt of when you go anywhere. the layering and layering of clothing, at times i work up a sweat just dressing. and you know what i have yet to find a cocktail that suits me in the winter. in the summer you have a plethora of fun cocktails...margaritas, mojitos, pina coladas, daquiris, mai tais...it just loses something drinking a margarita with a scarf and jacket on. don't think i don't still do it, but still there is a priciple behind these things. so i have been drinking a lot of wine in winter, and wine is great, but boat drinks...well im just a boat drink kind of gal. anyways im just ready for summer. not necessarilly for the 105 degree days with 100% humidity, but those first few days of summer where the nights are still cool, and the days are sunny, and bright. where the days follow with a loud thunder storm, and the weekends are spent driving the cooler up to the pool for a day of lounging with a great book.
the groundhog did not see his shadow so i think that means spring is right around the corner...i hope that ground hog is right.