Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Heres to the ladies who lunch (in a hat)

How come women don't really wear fabulous hats anymore?? No...Im not talking about baseball caps, or hats for winter. Im talking about wide brimmed sun hats, that have big abnoxious flowers on them. The kind you might wear to a garden tea, or say Oprahs Legends ball brunch. There is something so regal, and feminine about these types of hats. They are only for special occasions, which in turn make them such a special accessory. And nobody I know ever has garden brunches or tea parties, therefore I never get to wear this accessory, and that makes me a little sad.

Today at lunch I saw a group of women who were in that cult...err...club that wears all purple, and red hats. They are called the Red hat ladies or something clever like that. They were all eating and chatting and wearing big hats. They looked cute. As I sat and watched from a far I started thinking...maybe one day Ill be a red hat lady, and then I will get to wear hats. Then I remembered I hate the colors purple and red together, and neither of them look that great on me...so there goes that idea.

In the past few years fashion has taken a turn for the more feminine. I mean ladies like Charlotte York even got women to wear crinoline again. Women are accesorizing more than ever now. So why not big lovely, incredibly feminine hats?


At 8:13 PM , Blogger gordian knot said...

I agree with the wonders of fun / slightly obnoxious hats, but the problem is that one cannot remove the hat in public for fear of the dreaded "Hat Hair"

At 11:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

(in elaine stritch's voice) I'll drink to that


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