Friday, May 19, 2006

When Reality TV goes bad

No one probably saw the show I watched last night, and consider yourself lucky. it was the worst display of reality tv I have ever seen.

Some of you are probably not aware (ok all of you prob have no idea) that America is now is search of the "Ultimate Cayote". No not the animal...the slutty girls that dance on the bar in the themed Cayote Ugly bars all over the US. And on CMT (thats Country Music Tele for you who don't know) they are looking for the next great Cayote.

This show falls short in more ways than one. Firstly there is the head Cayote...or she is the manager of all Cayotes or something. She is more like a drill sergeant, and she considers herself the Simon Cowell of the country music scene. She is rather mean to the girls, making most of them cry when they get the boot. That may be the only draw to this show...when the girls get kicked off and start bawling there eyes out because they don't get the job of slut #2 on the bar it is a little funny.

Next these girls are so stupid...its like a really really really bad beauty pageant. They are all wearing underwear and cowboy boots, most of them have bikini tops on, and they girate there bodies around to "pour some sugar on me" They ask them questions like "What does being a cayote mean to you?" and the stock answers are always such b/s one girl actually said last night "my parents always told me that I wouldn't get anywhere unless I used my looks, and great body, so i figured this would be the perfect place for me" Atleast she knows her place. Some of these girls were acting like being the "ultimate cayote" was comprible to being famous. When the reality of it is that as a cayote you are nothing more than a bartender, that dances on the bar.

One girls mother was helping her pack for the audition, and as her mom packed her stuff, the girl threw a hissy, saying that the stuff her mom was packing was not "slutty" enough. If I said that to my mother she would slap my face.

This show is too much. As a person who watches way too much reality tv this was even too much for me. Its scary because the reality of it is that there are really girls out there who act like this, and think that being a bartender, who also dances on the bar is a solid career choice. I hope the intent of this show was NOT to portray these women in a better light, because in so many ways they are only making them look worse.


At 8:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen it too - but without words on the gym tv - it is pretty entertaining when you don't know what they are saying but I think we've stooped to the lowest of reality tv - really, we should get a life crina!!!!!


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