Thursday, November 16, 2006

the fourth meal

Yesterday for a quick lunch I ran to the border...aka Taco Bell. All of over the fast food eatery was there new catch phrase..."Late night hunger..? Then try the fourth meal." They claim the fourth meal is the meal in between dinner and breakfast. I claim that this is another ploy to make America fatter than we already are.

Don't get me wrong...I have eaten a fourth meal probably before Taco Bell ever thought of coining the phrase. In fact in college we ate fourth meals like it was our job after a night of drinking. My roomie would come home and make elaborate kidding. She was known for making a shepards pie from scratch at 4 am. And God bless her because at times those fourth meals saved me from hangovers on many Sundays.

But I can't do it anymore. Eating something that heavy like Taco bell sounds nauseating to me. Not only that but it is horrible to eat past like 7 at night. All those calories just sitting on your thighs and tummy....its just not a good thing. It just blows my mind that Taco bell has a whole ad campaign catered to eating at all hours of the day. They are basically stating that there are 24 hours in the day..lets make a whole new meal...we have the time!

So who is eating this fourth meal? Is it just aimed at college students who need a sponge after a night of heavy drinking? Or is America as a whole interested in adding another meal to their daily routine?


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