Monday, August 21, 2006

my weekend was was yours?

This weekend I ventured up I 95 to see my b/f, and my b/f (translation my boyfriend, and best friend). I made the stop in DC Friday night, and attended a super apt. warming party on the roof deck of JJs new pad. The view is to die for, the food was scrumptious, and the beer and wine never ran out...all three things contributed to a very good time. Although I did have an issue with the way DC'ers play beer pong...they play with 10 cups, and to me that is just way too many. As soon as we got on the table the 10 cups dwindled to 6, and the games went by so much faster.

Saturday was a chill day..Chipotle...The Columbia Mall...PF Changs for dinner, a bottle of wine, and the Redskins game. Perfect.

Sunday we did brunch with BK's dad, and Grammy...and I won 15 dollars at keno!

This is the section of the blog where I would most likely post pics from the past weekend...unfortunatly I took none. But it was a good weekend none-the-less.


At 10:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

we officially have a beer pong table that we had to show the montana's how to play, they now know how to play - so come up here and we'll show them how they do it in north ca-ka-lak - does that make sense - obviously i played beer pong tonight! PS - MANY CORRECTIONS WERE MADE!


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