Tuesday, February 28, 2006

gym friend or foe?

every morning between the hours of 6:30-8 you can find me at the gym...(just in case you were looking because I don't keep my cell phone with me, so you would have to find me at the gym) Anyways. So people at the gym in the morning are a pretty friendly bunch. Me..well I am still trying to wake up well into my work-out. But the other people there are the kind of people that have been up since 5 gotten there kids, or husbands off to school and work, and then when they hit the gym it is their "me" time, and this in turn makes them happy.

Every morning like clock work i try and get the Elliptical machine that is right in front of the Today show. The other options are Fox news...(no thank you) and ESPN....(ummm no) So the Today show is my favorite to watch while I get my work out on. Beside said Elliptical is a tread mill, and every morning like clockwork this man...prob late 50's is also getting his work out on. And somehow in the course of us both working out on side by side machines, well....we got to be work out buds. I would walk in (usually he had already started his workout before I arrived) and he would give me a nod across the room. Then he started by saying hello, and the next thing I knew we were taking off our head phones and chatting it up while treadmilling, and Ellipticaling. It was nice to have a familiar face at the gym every morning. But I will be honest when I am sweaty, burning calories I am not really into making any new friends. But since we shared common workout ground I figured what the hell...Ill give this guy a shot.

So about a week goes by and we are really forgeing a solid work-out-next-to-eachother-every-morning relationship. When last Thursday I got to the gym, and behold...someone had taken my Elliptical. I was forced to move to another one...in front of ESPN...ughh. As I stood back behind my work-out buddy, and his new friend I watched them both talking and laughing....like I had meant nothing.

So the next day I figured this was just a one time thing. I would be on the Elliptical today and we might even discuss the jackass that thought he could take my Elliptical. But here is where it gets weird...My workout buddy moved down a machine...! Putting an entire machine in between us. And he no longer nods, or says hello, or even acknowledges my prescence anymore. He just goes about his workout, and I go about mine. And yeah....its sad. But Im working through it. i just wish we had some kind of closure... I just can't get out of my head that it was something i did that made him move down a machine.


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