Friday, April 13, 2007

shock jocks make me sick

but what makes me sicker is that they won't let this issue go.
Don Imus is an idiot. He is the kind of radio announcer I deplore. Howard Stern, Lex and Terry, they all drive me insane. On my morning commute the last thing I want to listen to is someone berating someone else because of size, appearance, ethnicity, or even handicap. I know people who think this is funny, but I really don't. I like morning radio to play music. And every now and again break in with news stories, traffic updates, and weather. Lets be honest these shock jocks are all fairly...I am sorry extremely unnattractive men (perhaps there are some women out there too) who for whatever grace of God landed their own talk show, which they use as a platform to make them feel better about their own shortcomings. I mean honestly where does Don Imus get off? He is one of the most unnattractive men I have ever seen.

All that being said...
The Rutgers womens basketball team did an extrodinary thing...being the underdogs they truly rose to the occassion to take the win, and become the National Champions. That can not be taken away by what some crotchety old man said on his morning talk show. The words sticks and stones keep running through my head because it was just words. One mans words, and while they were in true dis-taste who cares what he has to say. Don't listen to him, turn off the radio, turn off the tv. Who made him the gospel for what all whites think, and believe...because I guarentee you the times I have heard his broadcast I have immediatly changed the channel. I just hate to think that your achievements are still week after the incident are being overlooked, and Don Imus is still at the center of it. Don't let his idiocracy negate anything you did on that court that day. Go out, have a beer, and celebrate. That is what you deserve. To celebrate victory of the game you played, and played well. Not a victory of some man being fired, or getting to go on Oprah. Celebrate your woman hood, and the fact that you kicked ass.


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