Monday, January 23, 2006

i heart you

The other day I was thinking about the upcoming holiday Valentines. Valentines is in my top 3 of all comes in number 3 right after 4th of July. I hate people who get all cynical about Valentines because they have no significant other to share it with. I know what you are thinking...this is all very easy for me to say because I am at the moment involved with someone. But the people who really know me know that for the greater part of my life, and for too many valentines to count I was single. And those Valentines that I was without man were some of the best I have ever had. I was thinking the other day about the Valentines I spent while single, and one year came to mind in particular. You see as a single girl on valentines I usually tried to get my other single girls together for a night on the town. I had heard that the "legendary" Chip & Dales dancers were coming to Greenville, and I thought this would be the perfect way to celebrate not having men with the girls. Ummmm....first of all the Chip and Dales dancers have never come to Greenville, and I don't know why I assumed they would. Especially because the cover charge was like 5.00. Instead of the Chip & Dales....we got to see the Chip & Dalze. Notice the different spelling. Not only were these men repugnant...but there routine left nothing to be desired. My favorite was the man who did a tribute to America in of course an American flag thong, and then the guy who did a tribute to the movie "Ghost" where he sat at a stool gyrating on a teracotta pot. In short the Chip and Dalze sucked. But the evening was not a total wash. We had a blast sitting in the back making fun of the people who actually thought the men were attractive. And probably the funniest part of the evening didn't even happen at the bar. When we left BJ put all her stuff (cell phone, wallet etc.) on the top of the cab that picked us up. When we got home she relized that she never removed it from the top of the cab, and all her personal belongings were now gone. Some people might see this as more unfortunate than funny, but the fact of the matter was that it happened to her in college pretty frequently.
So anyways...on my last note on Valentines...and I know this is early, but make plans to spend it with the people that can make you laugh the hardest. Have fun, go out with friends...throw a party...just don't sit home hating the pink and red hearts everywhere...the holiday is about love, and we all have that for somebody.


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