Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Nice work if you can get it.

When I tell people I work from my house people inevitably jump to the conclusion that I awake late, stay in my pj's till late afternoon, and watch morning and daytime tv all day. well some of that is true (when i am at home i flip on the view sometimes) but for the most part working out of your house has gotten a skewed meaning. but don't get me wrong...working where i live is awesome. and here is a top 10 of why.....

10- I don't have to talk to anyone before my morning coffee

9- My boss never catches me surfing the internet, or checking my e-mail.

8- I don't have to get ready until i want to get ready....i usually wake up and take a shower, and then do my hair. but i really don't have to worry with makeup unless i have a meeting. I mean who would I be getting dolled up for...the FedEx guy is usually the only one I see somedays.

7- I never have to worry about what to wear. No I don't lie around in my Pj's all day...I would feel gross. But in my job (unless I have a meeting) everyday is casual Friday.

6- My internet, phone, and anything related to work is all on my expense account.

5- My commute is nothing.

4- I can do my laundry at work.

3- I don't ever get in trouble for making personal phone calls.

2- I can write a blog at work, and it's almost like I am getting paid to do it.

1-After my morning coffee I can shit without anyone around, or ever having to sneak off to some remote toilet to do so...and this alone could be reason enough to work from home for me.


At 12:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...and you can get it if you try"

At 8:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Number one is so honest and brilliant and true!

At 10:05 AM , Blogger crice said...

There is a lot to be said for the privacy of ones own bathroom.

At 6:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only Corndog would write #1...but it's great...



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